5 quick tips to promote your premium WordPress theme


Quick summary

5 Quick tips to promote your Premium WordPress Theme Before you dig into this blog post and get your hands on promoting your own Premium WordPress Magazine themes, I want you to think for a moment that how did you reach this particular blog post? Was it a coincident?

Before you dig into this blog post and get your hands on promoting your own Premium WordPress Magazine themes, I want you to think for a moment that how did you reach this particular blog post?

Was it a coincident? Or you regularly follow us?

Have you heard about us on social media sites or you are one of our newsletter subscribers?

Well, whatever the case may be, this was just to make you realize that whether it’s a blog post or an entire product, to invite the people to follow you or buy your product you need to promote it. Promoting your Premium WordPress Magazine Theme is equally important as its design and functionality is!

It is a vast world and to pick that one right buyer of your product is beyond the bounds of possibility and hence promoting your WordPress theme becomes a necessity.

Don’t worry if you are not into marketing and a newbie to promotions, we are here to provide you five basic and handy tips to promote your product, say a Premium WordPress Magazine Theme.

1. Shoot up to Social Media!

This is no rocket science! The word “social media” already ran a flash the homepage of Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and all other social sites. If you are so much into these social sites in your daily life then why not use them as a promotion platform?

Posting on social media regularly exposes you and your products to a wider audience. It also creates a sense of openness. Your buyers will be assured of your existence and can develop a sense of trust towards the company.

2. Enter the world of Google Adwords Ads!

Advertising is the best way of promotion and the king of digital advertising is google adwords! You can start with advertising on top of search result pages, including the type of your theme and the time you’ve published it or you can advertise on the pages that target WordPress and WordPress Themes. This will help you find your target audience who are more likely to buy your WordPress theme.

3. Give Freebies!

Behind every successful Premium WordPress Magazine themes there is a Free WordPress theme, proudly listed on WordPress.org! Try to provide a free version of your actual premium theme which of course, provides less functionality and customizable option as the premium one does.

This helps the user to know more about what actually your theme is. Also it helps to create a feeling of eagerness among the theme for the actual master piece!

Also Make sure that you keep the free theme updated as often as necessary because when you perform an update, it will appear in the Updated section of the site and this will instantly gather new downloads, which is what you want the most.

4. Newsletters can be helpful!

If you are among those bunch of people who do not use newsletter as a way of promotion, than you are still in the Stone Age! Statistics show that a newsletter is 25% more effective than any other way of promotion. Send a well built newsletter along with freebies and discount coupons on regular basis and this will greatly help in promoting your premium WordPress themes.

5. Paid reviews can work miracles!

After you have tried all the free promotion options and still don’t see any meaningful output from it, then this is the best option that can work miracles. There are many blogs that offer paid reviews and all you need to do is to find the most popular among them and promote your theme there. The money that you are about to pay is not so much and coverage is almost always a lot higher than when dealing with the free promotional methods available. Paid advertising is really effective and paid reviews do remain published forever.

People will never accidently bump into your product and say “I want to buy this!”. It is you who have to make the efforts to make your Premium WordPress Theme visible to the audience who are genuinely in search of it.

Are you already following these tips?

Do you have any more tips to get your Premium WordPress Theme promoted?

Date: March 31, 2016

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